Phone Scams

Phone Scams Good article on local phone scam : Commonly called the "Grandparent's Scam", or the "It's Me" scam, this fraudulent plea for money is targeting the elderly in our local area . Typically, the victim gets a phone call from someone claiming to be a relative. The "granddaughter" has supposedly been arrested and needs bail money. Of course, it's a lie , and any money sent will be stolen from the compassionate grandparent. Easy to see through? Only the naive fall for it? Think again. These scams are common for one reason: they work . Good scammers have the ability to persuade and convince...otherwise they'd be out of business. The Hermiston Herald article interviewed Umatilla County Sheriff Lt. Gen Diehl . The officer had some good tips: Recognize the scam. - Do some research - Develop a questioning attitude - Be alert to email fraud Get a phone number and contact the caller. If the ca...