The Start of a New Website, Part 1

The Start of a New Website, Part 1 I revel in the start of a new website. I only get to do this once, maybe twice a year. Starting a new website from scratch is a long project, at least for me. But it has a New Year kind of feel to it. Doing it so infrequently requires me to brush up on my HTML and CSS standards. What DTD should I use? What has been deprecated? What version of HTML is most current? How do I link to a stylesheet? Writing code for a new website requires some basic research, but it also has a liberating, fresh feel to it. I feel like I'll be able to right some wrongs I committed the last time I wrote. Sometimes a stubborn coding problem causes me to crudely smash tags and routines together in a desperate, clumsy way, not caring about standards, not regarding accessability, not wanting to make it clean and elegant...I just want to get it to work. And it bothers me, giving me an uneasy feeling of incompleteness and mediocrity. So, the chance to write a com...