To Crack Or Not To Crack — Does It Really Make A Difference?

To Crack Or Not To Crack — Does It Really Make A Difference? Reprinted with permission from UMCDF Today, August 24, 2010 Numerous studies have been conducted and have confirmed something we all already knew — during the summer, the inside of our car gets, well, as they say, "just plain hot." However, other facts that we might not have been aware of have also been discovered: How fast does it get hot in a vehicle? One study showed that within 10 minutes, the inside temperature rose 20 degrees higher than the outside air, 34 degrees within a half an hour and 40-50 degrees within an hour. Another study showed the inside temperature hitting 116 degrees within an hour with an outside temperature of only 72 degrees. And in one more study, with an outside temperature of 93 degrees, the inside temperature was recorded at 125 degrees after 20 minutes and 140 degrees after 40 minutes. Windows "cracked" — yes or no? Three vehicles were used to look at whether ...