Newsletter versus News Journalism

Newsletter versus News Journalism What are the signs that a local newspaper has crossed the line from newsletter cheerleading to news journalism? A newsletter announces events and spotlights milestones. A newsletter reminds readers of rules and recommendations. A newsletter quells rumors and quiets fears. I enjoy the Hermiston Herald, partly because it functions as a city newsletter. I like my town, I've lived in this area for a total of about fourteen years, and I like to support local business and events. But the Hermiston Herald has crossed the line. It has become a news journal. It's asking questions. I like questions. Recent editorials have asked questions about our city council, water issues and civil suits against the city. These questions are strong evidence of a newspaper becoming more than a newsletter. With that change, our newspaper becomes an even stronger supporter of our community. Our local newspaper, if acting out of the ethic of journalism, is...