HTML/CSS Publisher?

HTML/CSS Publisher? HTML/CSS Publisher? I'm a geek. I'm not certifiable, I don't make money at it, I couldn't hack into my mother's Facebook page no matter how many FBI agents were after me. But I am a geek , at least in spirit. I know this because I just finished a week-long project that could have probably been accomplished by a non-geek in about 2.5 hours. Why did it take me so long? Because I didn't use Microsoft Publisher. I didn't use Microsoft Word. I didn't even use OpenOffice. I used HTML and CSS . In hopes that I connect heart-to-heart with other wanna-be geeks , here's my story: Project Goal: Create a 72-page, pocket-sized field book, with formatted pages that include graphics. Easy, right? Fire up any standard word processing or desktop publisher, spend an hour and a half entering content, and perhaps another half hour to format and tweak page sizes and sections, another 30 minutes to print and staple together, and t...