
Showing posts from January, 2013


Ouch! Six out of ten is not so good! I realized that out of this list of 10 Things Your Boss Never Wants to Hear I've violated six of them over the years. It's hard for me to put myself easily in the Boss's shoes. I'm more of an Assistant-to-the-Boss-type of worker. I prefer to do, rather than delegate others to do. So it's hard for me to avoid acting like a jerk , especially hard to avoid being obnoxious in my mind and heart, even while portraying a calm, content appearance on the outside. Good reminder of what's important to my boss, and thus important to me , as an employee! 10 Things Your Boss Never Wants to Hear Business Greg is businesslike by Greg Younger , Creative Commons Licence

Calm and Intelligent Discussion

Calm and Intelligent Discussion In a single, illuminating moment this image expressed a frustration I've felt many times: It's hard for me to compete in break-room discussions . Typically I find myself on the fringes of the discussion, participating inwardly only, hesitant to jump into the fray, reluctant to appear as hardheadedly opinionated as some of the others, although I know that I actually am hardheadedly opinionated in many ways. I just don't want to look like it. It's extremely difficult for me to respond immediately to controversial issues . I'm unable to recall any of the succinct, brilliant one-lines that can stop bickering and posturing in their tracks. The times that I've yielded to emotion and expressed myself cannot be properly described as "expressing myself". My words are halting, my logic confused, my sources unknown, my knees shaking. Here's how I wish break-room discussions would go: someone sincerely concerned in ...