New Door
New Door Here's some pix of a new door I installed in our new home: I mounted a bipass track on the living room side of the opening, hung a 32-inch hollow-core door, and concealed the track with a 1x6 piece of hemlock. Applied a thick coat of oil with a rag, let it set for about 10 minutes, then buffed it smooth with another clean rag. The next day I did the same to add a second coat. Being impatient and pushed for time, I installed it. It feels smooth and dry, kind of a satin finish. The instructions on the tung oil container said to add daily coats to get a glossier finish. My next project is a kitty litter cabinet. We want to conceal our kitty litter box in the house. We've seen several examples: q=conceal+kitty+litter+box+in+ cabinet&num=20&newwindow=1& tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa= X&ei=cNTiUc7dCoK3iwKP_YA4&ved= 0CGMQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=785 We bought a 24-inch bathroom vanity cab...