The Great Bus Adventure

The Great Bus Adventure I apologize for such a grandiose title. More, I need to warn you that this post is woefully banal. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, and I want to share my joy with others, but I know that it will be disappointingly trivial for many of you. So, in an attempt to avoid needlessly wasting your time, or worse, provoking you to disdain, please consider this warning: IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE FOR YOU, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER, ELSE YOU RISK PERMANENT LOSS OF VALUABLE TIME AND NEEDLESS EXPENSE OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS! 1. You have lived in a city big enough to support a public transit system AND you have been daring enough to patronize said public transit system. 2. You know how to interpret bus schedules. 3. You know the difference between "downtown" and "uptown". AGAIN, IF ANY OF THE PRECEEDING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE FOR YOU, YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO READ THE REST OF THIS POST. Ok. I'm glad that's been settled. H...