
Toast: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Photo by Mishaal Zahed on Unsplash - How did "toast" come to mean two apparently disparate things: lightly burnt bread, and a cup raised to the health and honor of a person? Short version: The Roman habit was to put a bit of blanckened bread in their cup of wine to remove bad flavors from poorly made wines. The Latin word for "browning with heat" was tostare , and the result was tostus . "Toasting" became honorable, and became a way to express honor for another. The longer version: At some point, wine clarified and improved by a bit of toast became figurative language for a "beautiful or popular woman whose health is proposed and drunk to". - Raising a cup of wine in honor of a woman, and expressing respect and resolve for good things, all seem to make toasting a worthy ritual. But inevitably, over-drinking and over-politicizing becomes boistrous at best, ribald or even rebe...

A Moment of Time

A “moment” used to be an actual measure of time and corresponded to roughly 90 seconds. It was used during the Medieval era and was derived from the solar hour (the hour on the sundial’s face was divided into 40 “moments”). - This pleases me. I don't know why. I'll probably need to spend some more time in counseling and silence and solitude. But, it pleases me to know the actual approximate duration of "a moment". When I was in elementary school I became obsessed with specifying the precise duration of time required when I said something like, "I'll be back in a sec", or "Just a minute." It didn't feel right to be so casual and offhand about time. Instead of "I'll be back in a sec", I would say, with a bit of time spent calculating, "I'll be back in 45 seconds." I know. It's pitiful. But, I'm also an introvert. It kind of makes sense.

A Psalm a Day: DOY = d + 30m + g

A Psalm a Day: DOY = d + 30m + g I enjoy beginning my days by singing through a Psalm, one each day, in order from Psalm 1 to Psalm 150. With 365 days in a year (usually) I will have sung through the entire Book of Psalms twice, with third time through the first 65 Psalms! (On Day 119 I must take some creative license and break the 22 sections into thirds!) I’m not used to keeping track of each day of the year. There are computer applications and internet sites that can do that for me, but I prefer to do it the old-fashioned way: mathematics. Here’s my formula: DOY (Day Of Year) = d + 30m + g Where, d = day of the month 30m = number of completed months, multiplied by 30 g = net days gained This formula takes into account the fluctuation from month to month of 30 days or 31 days, and the four-year variance in February from 28 to 29 days. For example: Today’s day of the month, plus (30 x completed months) plus gain = equals the day of the year. December 9 = 9 + 330 ...

Feeling Ignorant Right Now...

I am convinced that my rants and sobs of distress, claiming that "these are the worst days that our republic has ever seen" are caused my my ignorance of history!

Facebook Makes A Terrible News Source!

Facebook Makes A Terrible News Source! Right now, with staffing troubles and ineffective AI, it's easy to create fake news ads, submit them to Facebook, pay for the advertising fee, and have them approved for publishing...despite the ads violating Facebook guidelines and commonsense ethics.

Greatest word in our language, and greatest definition of that word...

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get—only with what you are expecting to give. - Katharine Hepburn

Fallen Officers From the COVID-19 Pandemic

Fallen Officers From the COVID-19 Pandemic ODMP - As of June 22, 2020