A Moment of Time

A “moment” used to be an actual measure of time and corresponded to roughly 90 seconds. It was used during the Medieval era and was derived from the solar hour (the hour on the sundial’s face was divided into 40 “moments”). - https://www.howtogeek.com/

This pleases me. I don't know why. I'll probably need to spend some more time in counseling and silence and solitude.

But, it pleases me to know the actual approximate duration of "a moment".

When I was in elementary school I became obsessed with specifying the precise duration of time required when I said something like, "I'll be back in a sec", or "Just a minute." It didn't feel right to be so casual and offhand about time. Instead of "I'll be back in a sec", I would say, with a bit of time spent calculating, "I'll be back in 45 seconds."

I know. It's pitiful.

But, I'm also an introvert. It kind of makes sense.


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