The Sea at Lincoln City

At the seashore in November...beautiful weather, wonderful company (Robin, my delightful wife), comfortable lodgings (Ester Lee Motel), scenic view of the Pacific Ocean...God has given us a Most Excellent Situation. We've named our in-car GPS navigator, "Maggie", short for Magellan, given to me by Robin for my 52nd birthday, celebrated last week. Our drive to Lincoln City was easy, with several stops for short breaks and sustenance. Weather was rainy in spots, but nothing dramatic. Maggie has served us well...she makes it easy to find convenience stores, rest stops, and gets us back on track if we detour or miss a turn. It rained last night when we arrived at Lincoln City, but today has been absolutely beautiful! Sunny, warm, no wind...beautiful sunset this evening, and I was able to see the "green flash" that I've long heard about. The sun was sinking fast and I snapped several pictures with the digital and then with my Minolta SLR film camera. Just as the last sliver of the sun was still barely above the horizon, I steadied the SLR and focused directly at it, both eyes open, hoping for the "green flash". At the very moment it dropped below the horizon, I pressed the shutter release. My left eye was looking past the camera body, and I saw the small dot of red sun turn green and then it disappeared. The green flash lasted only a fraction of a second, but it was thrilling! Here's a link to a good explanation of this phenomenom: I probably should not have been looking at the sun through the's very likely to cause harm to the eye. I didn't think about this because there was a fairly heavy cloud bank on the horizon, obscuring part of the sun during the entire sunset sequence. In other words, "Don't try this at home, kids!" I don't yet know if I got the photo...I'll have to get my roll of film developed. Highlights of today:
  • New binoculars (Tasco 10X55mm)
  • Two scrapbook pages finished
  • Lunch at Mo's (seafood pasta and slumgullion in a bread bowl!)
  • Spotted a seal in the surf with new binoculars
  • Shopping for new clothes
  • Pizza from Gallucci's Pizzaria
  • Wish you were here! Perfectly packed trunk! Stone statue in garden at Mossy Creek Pottery


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