Portland Police Investigate Scam

I can easily see this happening in our part of the country. Be very careful when responding to internet advertisements that seem too good to be true, too easy to fake.

The Portland Police Bureau's White Collar Crime Detail was recently contacted by American Airlines alerting investigators to a possible scam that might be occurring in the Portland area. The Portland Police Bureau has since taken several reports of victims being targeted by this scam.

The scam is an advertisement on Craig's List or Godaddy that American Airlines is hiring a customer service representative. The ad includes an application and they ask that the person fill out the application and fax it back. After receiving all of the applicant's personal information, including date of birth, social security number and home address, an appointment is set up. When the applicant is gone attempting to attend the appointment, their residence is burglarized and also all of their personal information is now compromised.

There have been several reports of this scam in our area and American Airlines informed the Portland Police that it recently happened in South Florida. American Airlines also stated that they do not recruit employees this way and the "recruiter" Lisa Wallingham listed in the ad is not sanctioned by the airlines to recruit for them.

Anyone that believes they were a victim of this scam should contact their local police or if they reside in the City of Portland, please call the non-emergency number at 503-823-3333 to file a report.

Source: http://www.flashalert.net/news.html?id=3056#news31338


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