Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: Healing Hearts Ministries International

This is from a presentation made by my wife, Robin, at our church this morning.

All my days are planned out by God.

From the time I first drew breath until the time I draw my last, God continually brings things into my life that open my eyes to Him and show me my need for Him. God brings words, circumstances and people into my life that are for my good and for His glory.

When I was molested, when I was into drugs and alcohol, when I had three abortions, when I was beaten and almost killed by my first husband, when I almost died giving birth to my daughter.....God used all of these things to bring me to Himself. He died in my place and was with me through everything. I was not alone. Jesus redeemed me and gave me new life. He filled up the emptiness I was desperately trying to fill myself.

I want to talk specifically about abortion.


Women in USA who have an abortion by the age of 40


Number of abortions in USA yearly


Number of abortions in the USA since 1973


2009 combined population of California and Florida

These statistics are based on reports submitted to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). However, not all states are required to report, so the actual numbers are probably even higher.

With one out of three women in the USA having had an abortion, it is likely that in any group of people you are with, there are post-abortive women.

But this is just the women. The affects of each abortion are multiplied because the babies have fathers and grandparents and siblings. Include the health care workers and this is a lot of people!

The truth about abortion is that it is the taking of a life. It is a sin against God and it causes a deep soul-wound. It is a life altering decision.

Healing Hearts Ministries International began small, with a vision of helping women, like myself, who were suffering from the consequences of abortion. God expanded the vision to include men and families who were trying to cope with the pain of abortion. Now, twenty-five years later, we have expanded our services to minister to anyone who needs healing from any trauma and affliction. Healing Hearts Ministries International has grown to serve both women and men in 31 states and 8 foreign countries.

We minister to individuals around the world by giving them the “living water” of God’s Word so they can receive the grace and healing that only comes through Jesus Christ.

The need is great. A demographic study by a local church in Washington state found that approximately 7,000 women within a 5-mile radius of that church were post-abortive. This number would increase tremendously if it included victims of other traumatic life events. This mission field is huge, and Healing Hearts Ministries International exists to be a resource to help those both inside and outside the church walls.

Healing Hearts Ministries International...this is not merely our name, but our mission: Healing Hearts is a ministry of discipleship, with its focus being Jesus Christ and based on His Word. We provide counseling and God’s healing Word to those who have been wounded by their past. Tragedies and afflictions such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, abortion, rape, addictions and catastrophic loss can be prisons of pain and hopelessness. We share a message of hope and healing, offering God’s peace to thousands of individuals.

We understand...because we have been there.

God’s Word is sufficient to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted. Healing Hearts groups are led by trained lay counselors who have personally experienced similar pain and trauma and have walked through the healing process. Over three hundred former clients have continued on to become group facilitators. Counselors volunteer because they want others to know that they are living testimonies to the truth that there is no hurt so great, no wound so deep, that the Word of God can't heal. I have hope, I have healing, and I have light in the darkness....His name is Jesus!

A Healing Hearts study class is available online by internet or with a small group in your community. If you are not sure who Jesus is, you will come to know Him as you make your journey through this study. If you are longing for a closer walk with God, this is a journey I would encourage you to take. If you think you know Him now, by the time you are finished with this study, your life and relationship with God will never be the same again.

Healing Hearts Ministries International:


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