
Unshopping Have you ever heard of "unshopping"? Neither had I! But the notion is intriguing. "Unshopping" can be seen as a way of counteracting the pervasive, persuasive, almost hypnotic effect of aggressive, biased commercials aimed at influencing us toward impulsive, emotional shopping . Here's one list of questions that can help a person "unshop": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before buying anything, ask yourself … · Do I really need and want this? Can I get by without it? · Is it made from renewable or nonrenewable resources? · Is it made of recycled materials and is it recyclable? · How long will it last and how will I dispose of it? · Can it be maintained and repaired? · Could I borrow it, rent it, or buy it secondhand? · Is it overpackaged? · Is it worth the time I worked to pay for it and its cost to the environment? Source: envirochangemakers.wordpress.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...