Justin Holcomb on Sex Trafficking

Justin Holcomb on Sex Trafficking

How closely located is our church to active sex trafficking? Who do we know that is involved in someway to sex trafficking?

It may be nearer than we can bring ourselves to consider.

Justin Holcomb describes the real-life experience of a young girl caught, and rescued, from this modern form of slavery. I did not realize that the average age of entry into prostitution is between 12 and 14 years. It is probable that at least 2.5 million people are trafficked annually. The U.S. State Department estimates even more: 12.3 million adults and children.

Approximately 18,000 women and children are forcibly transported into the U.S., to be exploited for sex or labor.

Pimps activily lure women and children into the sex industry. They target those who are lonely, desperate, the runaways, the homeless, those without parents.

Justin lists six important ways that every church, including the small and rural churches, can help. The Number One way is to get informed, and inform others, about the sex trade that is right under our noses, in cities as well as suburbs.

Read the entire article, as well as the remaining five ways we can help, here.

One final thought: Seattle, Washington is a major hub for criminal sex trafficking, taking advantage of nearby major shipping ports and the Interstate 5 corridor.

Read more.


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